
Magical Realism In Laura Esquivel's Like Water For Chocolate

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Magical Realism In Laura Esquivel's Like Water For Chocolate
Magical realism in novels is a creative way for the author to enhance the reader’s experience. Laura Esquivel uses this technique in her story, Like Water for Chocolate, to add depth and strength to her characters, themes, and historical context.
Esquivel’s story focuses on a young woman named Tita trying to find herself. Her journey includes overcoming obstacles such as, the Mexican Revolution, a controlling and overbearing mother, and the pain of a forbidden love shared with a man who married her sister in order to be closer to Tita. With the chapters organized by month, and starting off with a coordinating recipe, the reader easily follows Tita step by step on her journey.
Magical realism is a writing style that needs to be handled delicately.

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