Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) is a non invasive medical imaging method widely used in hospitals and in research. In year 1946 Felix Bloch of Standard /university and Edward Purcell of Harvard University made the first succesful nuclear magnetic resonance experiment to study chemical compounds, they were awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1952. In early 1980 's the first human magnetic resonance imaging( MRI) scanners became available, producing images of the inside of the body. while x-rays remain useful for looking at bones, MRI scans are the diagnostic tool of choice for soft-tissue organs,ligaments, the circulatory system and the spinal column and cord. They help physicians identify multiple scoliosis, tumors, tendonitis, strokes and many other condition. Also MRI is similar to a CT- Scan in that it produces cross sectional images of the body. But unlike CT-Scan MRI does not use x-rays, instead it uses a strong magnetic field and radiowaves to produce very clear and detailed computerized images of the inside of the body. MRI is commonly used to examine the brain, spine, joints, abdomen and pelvis. A special kind of MRI called Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) examines the blood vessels. The upshot is that MRI, for most applications,is far superior to other imaging tools in providing non-invasive images at high resolution.That 's why hospitals pay millions of dollars for the multi-ton-benemoths and spend hundreds and thousands more a year operating them. Since 1997, when the first MRI exam was conducted on a person, the procedure has become quite common.In 2003, more than million scans were performedusing about 10 00 MRI scanners worldwide.
Bibliography: A*STAR-NUS Clinical Imaging Research Centre." introduction to MRI." subject volunteers,copyright 2012.Web.December 28, 2012 Lawrence M Philip R. Shalen, MD."MRI scan of spine."Spine-health.copyright 1999-2012.Web.December 28,2012 IBJI Blog."Types of MRI."Ilinois Bone and Joint Institute.copyright 2011.Web.December 28, 2012