According to Gary Yulk (leadership in organization), the criteria selected to evaluate leaderhip effectiveness in term of the consequences of influence on a single individual. A team or group or an organization. There are 4 indicators which can be measured of leadership effectiveness
1. Performance of the organization
Under the legacy of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad, there are too many achievement that can be discuss. A short evaluation of Dr Mahathir’s impact on Malaysian society will be presented. In terms of the economy, under his leadership, there has been significant economic growth as measured by increases in conventional indicators such as the GNP per capita (Gross National Product per capita) between 1980 and 2003. There has been real growth in the sense that GNP per capita has increased even after adjusting for inflation. Malaysia’s industrialization based on foreign direct investment has created many jobs and thus, unemployment and underemployment are no longer as serious as they used to be during the first two decades of independence. Nonetheless, we should not be complacent since minority ethnic groups such as the Indians in Malaysia (especially those who have been displaced from rubber and oil palm plantations when the plantations are converted into housing estates) are experiencing trouble in the employment market and many are ending up with low paying, menial jobs. Inflation appears to be under control according to official government statistics but since price-controlled items are included in the “basket” of goods and services used to compute the CPI (Consumer Price Index), one can argue that the official data actually underestimates the inflation rate.
2. Follower attitudes and perceptions
Dr Mahathir in contrast has had little respect or good to say of any of the communities that make up our society. He has always thought poorly of his own adopted Malay community and even worse of other long settled and