The European Union is a system that was created to help form a unity, and strengthen European states. After two ruinous world wars and the extension of Soviet power, many people recognized the need for some form of European unity. The community formed in 1951, and consisted of 6 countries – France, West Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Italy.
One of the EU’s greatest achievements is the establishment of a Single European Market.
The European Union is a large organization and there is an appeal for many nations to join, however, not all want to, and this is why the EU is a very controversial subject. Much can be said in favor and against it. The aim of this paper is to highlight the benefits as well as the disadvantages of the European Union for the business environment.
A variety of articles written on membership of the EU claim that the main advantages is the Single European Market which enables companies to trade in an international market.
However there are also disadvantages to be considered.
To begin with, the European Single Market is the first advantage of being a member of EU. According to Europa (2009) the EU member states have formed a single market with more than 500 million people .This enable companies to trade in the international market. In addition he mentions that without this platform, competing individually and making products and services in the EU states would be more expensive and difficult. Derhan (2010) in his article,
“European Union: Risk Benefit Analysis”, says that both EU citizens and businesses have the benefits of the single market. According to him, 2.15% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) comes from the money that citizens get from the single market which was approximately 708 EUROS per person in 2006. In addition to this, the single market has contributed