I. Pros of mainstreaming
a. Social Climate
b. Exposure to diversity
c. Inspire and challenge the disabled children to excel
d. Average students benefit
II. Cons of Mainstreaming
a. Unqualified teachers
b. The child may not get the attention
c. Larger student-to-teacher ratio
d. May not be able to keep up with the fast pace
III. My opinion
a. Disagree with mainstreaming
b. Needs Accommodations
c. Half a day in regular classroom
Mainstreaming Children with Disabilities A proper education is extremely valuable in this world. When a person has an education, anything and everything is possible and it is something that can never be taken from someone. Everyone has the right to a proper education, and as American citizens, that should never be inhibited, repressed, or distorted by any means in this country. In recent years, the issue of Mainstreaming Children with Disabilities has become more of a controversial issue in the educational field. Mainstreaming is defined as placing a student with an intellectual or a developmental disability into a classroom that is designed for students of average intelligence (Foust). Unfortunately, mainstreaming has become more evident in school systems all across the county due to the lack of accommodation for these students. School systems are unable to utilize these resources to effectively accommodate students with disabilities, due to lack of funding, space, staff, and materials. This, as a result, is inhibiting an effective and suitable education for disabled students. Mainstreaming children with disabilities is not the most beneficial educational tool, because it inhibits their intellectual and educational growth. There are some significant benefits and pluses with mainstreaming children in school. Mainstreaming
Cited: Foust, Kathy. “Examining the Pros and Cons of Mainstreaming”. Brighthubeducation .com. 15 Oct. 2012. Web. 18 July 2013. Gonzalez, Jessica. “Pros and Cons of Mainstreaming Disabled Children in the Classroom”. Ehow.com. 1 Jan. 2013. Web. 18 July 2013. Reynolds, Tammy. “The Choice of Educational Settings: The Pros and Cons of Mainstreaming Children with Intellectual Disabilities”. Mentalhelp.org. 21 May 2013. Web. 18 July 2013. Whitworth, Jerry. “Children with Disabilities in the Regular Classroom”. The Clearing House 65.2 (Dec. 1991): 111-113. Print. 18 July 2013.