The soaring cost of special education for disabled students has been appropriately integrated into public schools for the common good of all students from various social classes. Special education has had a deep histroy that has been characterized by a score of legislations that has set this form of education and how it is administered to assimilate students with learning disabilities into standard classrooms. In both the United Kingdom and the United States, the first account of special education recognizes the deaf and blind students. In England the first school to cater for special education was the Liverpool Blind School in the year 1791. In the United States, the first ever special education school was American School for the deaf, the American Assylum and the Deaf and Dumb at Hartford in Connecticut in 1817. In essence, special educationthe the 19th century was entirely shaped by agencies and individual people who were committed to special education. These agencies were, philanthropists, charities, hospitals, schools and assylums (Christina et al). These agencies and some key individual took notice of issues pertaining to special education and initiated constructive responses. Therefore, policies that were formulated from these responses were inclined towards isolation. This trend progressed into the 20th century and an extensive variety of disabilities were grouped together. Thus, mentally challenged children were housed together with the blind, deaf, learning disabled, children of foreign parents and delinquent children as well. These special populations were kept together in isolation, but institutions were advocating for collaboration of these populations with other physically fit populations. In both the England and the United States, it was the advent of compulsory education for all “normal” children that prompted the rise of children movement which engaged people on the need to educate children with special needs.
Cited: Alan Hodkinson & Philip Vickerman Key Issues in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion.London: SagePublisher, 2009 Print. Christina, Hoag. Students With Special Needs Staying In Traditional Public Schools. 2012.Web Accessed February 21, 2013. Kesha, M. Byan (2008).The Perceived Competence of Regular Education Teachers to Educate Students with Disabilities in the Mainstreamed Classroom.New York: ProQuest. Print Robert, L. Osgood. History of Inclusion in the United States. Michigan: Gallaudet University Press, 2005.Print Special Education History. Education Bug. 2013 Web. Accessed on February 21, 2013. 869 words