A Good
No man is an island !
Friendships become
Richer and more Precious with time but they can also grow more
Friendships require some work to maintain them
The closer we get to someone, the more invested we become in their emotions and behaviors.
It is our RESPONSIBILITY to maintain the friendship
Keep in touch
Show appreciation
Choose compassion over cynicism and check yourself
• People often move far away to go to different schools or pursue a new career.
Friendship shouldn’t just END
Sometimes when you have known people for a long time, you can start to take them for granted. The familiarity and comfort we feel with another person leave us crossing lines or forgetting to show our gratitude.
KEY to happiness Be sure to engage in acts of kindness and consideration that are focused on your friends. Do the things that they would perceive as caring.
When you get to know a person, you get to know their worst traits, and it’s easy to become cynical toward the negative aspects of their personality.
keeps us vulnerable instead of gettin tough and guarded, and seeing the world through a negative lens
x envy x control x manipulation x aggressiveness x constant criticism x jealousy x revenge x immaturity x selfishness x greed
Being honest with your intentions
Face the facts and don't be in denial about how you truly feel towards the other person Face your inner demons head on and deal with it
It would not be wrong to say that good friends simply become a part of your family The only difference being that family and blood relations are made by God but FRIENDS are made by individuals in their lives
A good friendship is something to savor and protect. Even if you haven't spoken to an old friend in years, it doesn't mean that you're not friends anymore.
REACH OUT and see if you can pick up where you LEFT OFF!!