(What can I Learn and Imitate)
Learning is everything. It’s part of the life process, it can be cultivated, enhance and if well earn would lead you to the fountain success of your life. In concern of learning, to have knowledge about Rizal’s life is a must for all the Filipinos for it is one of the most beautiful and flawless scenario happens in our motherland.
To start with this long statement of mine let me first emphasize what I felt and what were my expectations toward this particular subject and how it affects my way of writing since I was a writer. So, as I heard that our Sociology was circulated about Jose P. Rizal I’ve felt a little comfortable and ease because maybe you know and I , myself knew that I have already a bit of knowledge about Jose Rizal so I expected it to be just like easy and fun in the best way and I don’t get wrong about that. The first time we tackled the first page of the book and took some introductions from book and being discussed and flowered by our Professor Mr. Oliver Fernandez and I felt like something “interest” bursting inside of me that I can’t help but burst. Moreover, as the days goes by and as we go through to our discussions I’m became impatient in knowing the full story of Jose Rizal life, works and writings because I found it really nice and the poems written by him was captivating ,unusual and genuine other than that his achievements also inspired me but not only me , also my classmates to strive more harder to succeed in life and be free in doing the things we love like what our national hero did. Like Rizal I also love writing poems and sometimes songs about my adventure and misadventure in life yet the difference is the construction because Rizal did well on his poems and some other writings that during his times became stunned and known and gathered prestigious awards while me, an amateur, whose works are just fine at all. Yeah.. it is really nice to express what you really feel