Martin Luther 95 theses cause a shift in religious society (spread throughout Europe because of Gutenberg’s printing press)…
Many people have had great affects on their nations and religions throughout time. During the scientific revolution, many different people led in different reforms and guided their peoples in positive directions. Martin Luther and King Henry VIII had the greatest impact on their countries and religious affiliations.…
Johannes Gutenberg was born into a good family. His family and background was important on his impact to Europe. One instance would be that he was brought up in a family which taught him how to read, but in books that had been hand written. This impacted on his life because otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to create a printing press. Without this knowledge, he would never have known what each letter was and could have never created the printing press. Books had been hand written or block-printed, meaning he still had the opportunity to create something that changed the way we print.…
In the sixteenth centenary the Roman Catholic Church was the ruling power in Europe. They had created an empire and controlled the land and the people. There was nothing more that people feared at this time than being excommunicated from the church. For this reason, people would not dare challenge the church as they feared going to hell. A man by the name of Martin Luther joined the Catholic church as he searched to find himself and save his soul. He quickly realized that the Catholic church was full of corruption and took a stand. Martin Luther wanted to expose the church and follow God the right way. Luther believed that faith alone and a change of heart was enough for a person to be saved from the hell. Martin Luther had a conservative way of thinking however he had many liberal ideas.…
Martin Luther made radical statements challenging Papal authority, the deliverance of relief of purgatory via a monetary gain by the church, and exposing the corrupt dogma that exemplified the Roman Catholic Church. Luther, after stating the errors of the church, established what he believed was justification by faith. Luther reduced the amount of sacraments to those that were plainly supported by scripture verses the church’s use of sacraments by conjecture, he denounced the sale of paradise, and propounded that the Bible was the true religious authority, whereas, the church gave authority to a fallible man. Furthermore, Luther’s original intent was not to initiate a reformation, but was to allow for academic debate. Luther found questions regarding the church and theological misconduct that would force him to separate from the church in Rome and establish…
Martin Luther has impacted many people. He was a professor of theology and a German priest and wrote the 95 thesis. His revolutionary ideas served as the catalyst for the eventual breaking away from the Catholic Church and were later instrumental in forming the movement known as the Protestant Reformation. Luther wrote his radical “95 Thesis” to express his growing concern with the corruption within the church. In essence, his thesis called for a full reform of the Catholic church and challenged other scholars to debate with him on matters of church policy. Luther published his “95 Thesis” fully realizing that he faced excommunication and even death for protesting the traditions and beliefs of the Catholic church. To do so was considered heresy…
François-Marie Arouet who is also known by his nom de plume Voltaire, was famous for his wit and for his advocacy of civil liberties, including freedom of religion, freedom of expression, free trade and separation of church and state. He was a French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher, and his Book '_Candide or Optimism'_ is a satirical philosophical tale which I will also discuss in detail later.…
The end of the fifteenth century had left Christendom with a Church in great need of reform. The Church had been greatly weakened by the events of the past few centuries. The fourteenth century’s Great Famine and Black Death had battered the public’s trust in the Church, as had the Papal Schism spanning from 1378-1417. When the ideas of Martin Luther began to spread in the early 1500s, the Church became afraid for its power, its reputation, and its finances. Luther was promising people that they would be saved through their faith alone—what place did that leave for the Church and its teachings? In any other time in human history, Luther’s ideas likely would have been quietly beaten down and buried, but a very unique set of circumstances allowed the ideas of a small-town monk and professor to take on the immense power of the Catholic Church. While others’ ideas could be ignored, the Church was intensely threatened by Luther because his ideas questioned the role and necessity of their already-weakened institution, called for an end to indulgences, endangered social stability, and exposed the failings of the Church by returning to the Bible as the only source of God’s truth.…
The beliefs of Martin Luther stated that every individual possessed their own relationship with God. This statement is prevalent in Luther’s work, “The Sermon on Good Works”. In this piece of writing, Luther stated that only faith in God would get an individual salvation. Good works, acts made throughout life to better something or someone, would not help a person receive salvation. This went against the Catholic Church’s doctrine, which stated that an individual would receive God’s grace and salvation by accomplishing these Good Works. Essentially, Luther’s statements were revolutionary. To rally against a prevalent theme in the popular religion was a brave, if not inspired way to introduce a different method of thought.…
Life in Europe changed dramatically in the sixteenth century. The church was extremely powerful and central to all parts of the lives of Europeans, but the events that took place during this new reformation would challenge that. Once the church was challenged, change was almost immediate. What once was a unifying force split, and although a period of violence and unrest followed, it was a major turning point in history sparked by Martin Luther and the posting of his 95 Theses. Martin Luther was born in 1483 during the time of the Renaissance when there was a growing attitude of rejecting medieval values and a turn towards education, humanism, and other more classical values (Class Lecture, 2/22/16).…
In the early 16th century, increasing corruption within the Catholic Church lead people toseek out change, and the result was the Protestant Reformation. This movement was based on thequestion “What must be done to ensure salvation?”. Martin Luther, perhaps the most famous of all Protestant reformers found an answer to this question that didn’t fit the traditional teachingsof the Catholic church. It has become a common argument whether Luther was a conservative or a revolutionary, but some think he was both. It can be argued that through his beliefs, reformedreligion, and writings, Martin Luther was a revolutionary in the sense that he was going againstthe Catholic Church; but because of the fact that his values of a simple, classical, ancientscripture based religion which focused on the roots of true Christianity, and in comparison toother protestant reformers who were much more radical in their religious movements, Luther wasalso very conservative at the same time.The Catholic Church in the early 16th century had much power in Europe, and few werewilling to go against it. Those who did were not only seen as religious reformers, but also asrevolutionaries. Luther’s beliefs, system of reformed religion, and writings all contributed to theways many perceived him as a revolutionary because he went against the common beliefs and practices of the Catholic church. Church officials had always stressed the combination of faithand good works as a necessity in achieving salvation. Luther challenged this in saying that ashumans we are not saved through good works, but through faith in the promises of God, and the process of justification. In addition to his stance on the question of salvation, Luther’s religion,which was a reformed version of Catholicism also caused many to see him…
Narrator: An epidemic has spread through the land, not one of disease and illness, but of religious, political, and social change. A Reformation was in place, a religious movement that resulted in the establishment of Protestant churches. Four men who contributed to this reform of the Catholic and Protestant churches were King Henry VIII, Martin Luther, Pope Leo X, and John Calvin, and they have gathered to discuss how this Reformation dramatically changed Christian unity in Europe.…
Literature was changed for the better by Charles Dickens. His works influenced cultures, ways of celebrating certain events, and how some people react to reading. Most of…
John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Jean Jacques Rousseau were all enlightenment philosophers. Each of these men had a particular view of government, society, and its citizens and they were all passionate about their works. Locke (1632- 1704) was an English philosopher, his ideas had a great impact on the development of political philosophy and he is widely regarded as one of the most influential enlightenment thinkers. Montesquieu (1689- 1755) believed that all things were made up of laws that never changed. His most famous work, The Spirit of Laws, outlined his ideas on how government would work best. Voltaire (1694- 1778) was a poet, an essayist, playwright, historian, and above all, a critic of society. He was a great crusader for liberty and was twice imprisoned for his writings. Rousseau (1712-1778) generally recycled older enlightenment ideas but is well known for his passionate rhetoric, which enflamed a generation and beyond.…
Francois-Marie Arouet, more commonly known by his pen name, Voltaire, is another influential Enlightenment philosopher. Born in late 17th century Paris, Voltaire is the author of many poems, essays, novels, plays, and over 20,000 personal letters. Today he is still known for his support of tolerance of all kinds, especially religious. He was concerned about the lack of religious equality in his native France. In his writings, he praised England for their religious tolerance. Voltaire believed…