My experiences with dogs which were born with genetic illnesses have led me to pursue a career in the research and manipulation of genetic diseases to broaden the knowledge of such illnesses and perhaps help in their treatment.
Following my high grades in science at Franklin High School, I am developing a personal interest to work on DNA structure and function which is covered in Biology and Chemistry. In addition to this, work on enzymes is enjoyable as it involves practical work that is relevant and increased my knowledge.
During my high school education I am taking part in an external program called “Science Learning Between Two Countries”. This program leads me to work with a licensed veterinarian in the city of Juarez, Mexico, which is across the border of my hometown. From these experiences, I have acquired basic knowledge of sicknesses, infections, and health disorders of dogs. Furthermore, I have developed essential key skills in organization, leadership and teamwork. These skills have been carried throughout my external program education in the clinic. More over, these trips have given me the opportunity to enjoy an active social life with my teammates. Besides this, I am increasing my knowledge of language, beliefs, and customs of the Mexican culture. Also, the majority of the students (involved in the same program) and I, have come together to form a soccer team where I am currently the captain of the squad. Other sport activities where I participate are