Introduction:- Pakistan was established in 1947 and since its inception, it has been surrounded by countless issues including but not limited to ill-formed/missing infrastructure, insufficient refined resources, barren or obsolete factories and technologies, imposed conflicts at Kashmir and other fronts and an ever-ready enemy to underscore all the efforts towards progress. Despite it being rich on raw resources thus far Pakistan is a developing country with limited development in every era due to the problems it faces. In the following text we will shed some light on some of the major problems faced today by Pakistan as a country.
According to an analysis conducted by the government of Pakistan and published at hec. Gov .pk(the higher education commission of Pakistan) shows that the poverty has increased roughly from 30% to 40% during the past decade. Consider that if 40%of a country’s population is earning their life below the poverty-line in which the people are deprived of basic necessities of life such as clothing, shelter,food, education and medication, such families and their children will be forced to think of their survival only.
Literacy is defined as persons aged 15 or above who can “read” and “write”.According to this definition, Pakistanis officially reported to have 50% literacy rate. Which means half of its population is illiterate. With such family backgrounds, inflation, poverty and child labor this rate is expected to increase in future. Even for those who are termed as “Literate” are only able to read and write, which in today’s technology oriented world is still considered as illiteracy. Majority of the people forming the top controlling tier is almost unaware of technologies and technical mindset. Thus, causing the country to adopt the new technologies