Setting (place and time): Significance of the opening scene: The narration opens in present
The action of Nelly’s story begins in the 1770s; tense with Mr. Lockwood describing his first personal encounter with
Mr. Lockwood leaves Yorkshire in 1802. Heathcliff. At first, he is fond of him and called him a “capital fellow”
All the action of Wuthering Heights takes place who “warmed” his heart. Lockwood also describes the atmosphere in in or around two neighboring houses on the the area, mentioning the term the locals used to describe the weather,
Yorkshire moors- Wuthering Heights and wuthering. From the opening scene the reader can establish that
Thrushcross Grange. Heathcliff is not a the conventional host who welcomes his guests with open arms, in fact, he is quite the opposite. Another information that the reader finds out is that the weather in moors is untamed and violent. The Opening showed the mood of the novel.
Significance of the ending/closing scene: Lockwood returns to Thrushcross grange after several months in London. He discovers that Nelly has moved to Wuthering heights. Nelly tells him the events that
Major symbols/images/motifs and what they happened after his absence such as Heathcliff’s death that caused represent: scandal in the neighborhood due to the fact that he was buried next to Catherine and had their remnants “mingle” in death. Lockwood’s
Moors- The Moors represented the connection visit to the departed’s graves gives a sense of closure to the story. Between Catherine and Heathcliff. The rumors regarding the ghosts of Catherine and Heathcliff allows Like the weather, their relationship is the reader to imagine a happy ending for the couple. Turbulent. This turbulent relationship