“Every major religion of the world has similar ideals of love, the same goal of benefiting humanity through spiritual practice, and the same effect of making their followers into better human beings.” This quote by the Dalai Lama was in response to a book written by Jeffrey Moses, titled Oneness: Great Principles Shared by all Religions. The book talks about sixty five different principles that most major religions share. All religions sets guide lines in which on should live. Rules that show people how to live righteous are commonly called cosmic law. In the Christian faith there are the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ. In Buddhism there are the three jewels, Buddha, dharma, …show more content…
This is how religion stays alive. The Bible, the Torah, and the Brahmajala Sutra, are written testaments to there respective religions. They are used during devotionals and as a teaching tool since Jesus, Buddha, or any or there profits are not on earth anymore. This is all used to spread there word. Text is one of the best tools besides your actions to spread the word through missionaries which was pioneered by Buddhism. Holy days or holidays which is the English translation, are sacred. Holidays mostly celebrate the major forces in a particular religion. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. The Thursday before Easter is called Maundy Thursday when the last supper took place and Good Friday is when Jesus was crucified. Christ’s resurrection is celebrated with Easter. The ascension is when Christ ascended to heaven forty days after his resurrection. The Buddhist tradition has a similar holiday; it is called Visaka Puja, which is the holiest day of the year. They celebrate the birth, life, and death of Buddha. There are other holidays in Christianity, like Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, and Palm Sunday, but they can not be compared to any religion that was studied. Festivals are another way of honoring religious milestones. The Assumption is held on August 15th. This feast celebrates the Virgin Mary when she is taken into …show more content…
Bahai says, "This is the truth and there is naught beyond the truth save error. Know thou assuredly that Love is a bond between the Creator and the creature in the inner world,” Abdu'l-Baha, Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha v3. Advesa and maitrī are benevolent love. This love is unconditional and requires considerable self-acceptance. Bhakti in the Hindu faith, Al-Wadud or “the Loving One” found in Surah 11:90 of the Islamic faith, and ahava which is the Hebrew word for the interpersonal love and the love of God. The Dalai Lama said, “every major religion of the world has similar ideals of love.” Although history sometimes proves that wrong, when taking in the fact of the holy crusades and the modern day Jihad. Love is the most reconized concept of all major religions and that is what unifies