Dickinson is known for the usage of emotion in her poetry. One topic she wrote about was death. Early on in Emilys career she was capable of pressing her reflections on the precise moment of death into remarkably concise expressions, stated Porter(67). In many poems, Dickinson doesnt just talk of death, she personifies it. An example is the poem Because I could not stop for Death. Dying is compared to an unexpected ride in a horse-drawn carriage(Daniel 391). Also, Dickinson thought the suffering involved in personal relationships captured the impulse of poetry(Chase 191). This idea of pain expressed in the poetry of Dickinson is seen in the poem Heart! We will forget him. In the following stanza:When you have done, pray tell meThat I may straight begin!Haste! Lest while youre laggingI remember him!(Johnson 5)We can tell that shes suffering from the memories of a past lover. Dickinson wants her heart to forget about him, so that her mind may do the same. All her life, Dickinson was never married, but spoke very often of a lover in her poetry. However, attempting to relate any of her love poems to a particular man will always be precarious(Chase 153). Although many of her poems speak of a passion for a man, it may not have necessarily been about her. Dickinson could have been writing about any womans life in a certain occasion. Pre-appointed pain was Dickinsons favorite area of feeling, how
Dickinson is known for the usage of emotion in her poetry. One topic she wrote about was death. Early on in Emilys career she was capable of pressing her reflections on the precise moment of death into remarkably concise expressions, stated Porter(67). In many poems, Dickinson doesnt just talk of death, she personifies it. An example is the poem Because I could not stop for Death. Dying is compared to an unexpected ride in a horse-drawn carriage(Daniel 391). Also, Dickinson thought the suffering involved in personal relationships captured the impulse of poetry(Chase 191). This idea of pain expressed in the poetry of Dickinson is seen in the poem Heart! We will forget him. In the following stanza:When you have done, pray tell meThat I may straight begin!Haste! Lest while youre laggingI remember him!(Johnson 5)We can tell that shes suffering from the memories of a past lover. Dickinson wants her heart to forget about him, so that her mind may do the same. All her life, Dickinson was never married, but spoke very often of a lover in her poetry. However, attempting to relate any of her love poems to a particular man will always be precarious(Chase 153). Although many of her poems speak of a passion for a man, it may not have necessarily been about her. Dickinson could have been writing about any womans life in a certain occasion. Pre-appointed pain was Dickinsons favorite area of feeling, how