A. Introduction
The chalk is a white porous sedimentary rock, a form of sedimentary rock composed of mineral calcite. It forms under reasonably deep marine conditions from the gradual accumulation of minute calcite plates shed belonging to the division of haptophytes. They function as a special calcium carbonate. In this investigatory project, we study the effectiveness of eggshells as an alternative ingredient in chalk production. The study is very efficient in these days because many people are in need of chalk. The components of chalk are so complex that it has the capacity to make other things beside chalk itself. We also noticed that the students and teachers consume many pieces of it, which is very expensive. So, we decided to make a chalk out of eggshells which is very affordable and can give an equal quality in the chalks that we buy in stores.
B. Statement of the Problem
The main problem of the study is focused on the effectiveness of chicken eggshell as a substitute for chalk.
The study aims to answer the following questions: 1) Will the eggshell be an effective substitute for chalk?
2) Are there any similarities between the composition of an eggshell and a chalk?
3) Does the flour and starch affect the effectiveness of eggshell as a substitute for chalk?
C. Statement of the Hypotheses:
1) There is a significant difference between the eggshell chalk and the commercial chalk.
2) There is no significant difference between the eggshell chalk and the commercial chalk. 2
D. Significance of the Study