Making connections: Judy Baca’s Art for Peace.
Change: According to Baca, “Adversity breeds a certain kind of strength” Do you agree? Give an example to support your opinion.
Is it really true that what does not kill you makes you stronger? I do believe so. Maybe when people face a problem it does not makes too much sense in the near future, however it will do. The story that Baca’s grandmother told her when she was a girl is an example of how sometimes people is not able to overcome problems, nevertheless this does not implies that this happens all the time.
It is common to appreciate how people become pessimist and often depressive when adversity meet their lives. According to Seery (2011) “…some theory and empirical evidence suggest that the experience of facing difficulties can also promote benefits in the form of greater propensity for resilience when dealing with subsequent stressful situations.” (p. 390) …show more content…
The study concluded that those people who had experienced a lot of adversity had poorer outcomes, on average, than people who reported no history of adversity - they were more depressed and anxious, were less satisfied with their lives, and were more likely to have physical or emotional problems that interfered with their ability to work and