Most people have a fear public speaking which is almost greater than the fear of dying. Jerry Seinfeld spoke about this fear in an episode of Seinfeld “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. The number two fear is death. Death is number two!!! Now, this means to the average person, if you have to go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy!!!”(Seinfeld, 1993) On the bright side for any type of presentation you can reduce your apprehension and discover the groundwork for making effective and professional presentations. This paper will discuss the three “P” process: planning, preparing, presenting. Throughout life we will all have to give a presentation at least once, here are four objectives that will be explored in this paper: Preparing for a Presentation, Organizing Content, Building Audience Rapport, and The Delivery.
Preparing for a Presentation
In the preparation phase of developing a presentation there are three things to be conscious of (a) developing a purpose, (b) relating to your audience, and (c) delivery to your audience.
Knowing your Purpose
Deciding your purpose is the most important decision in preparing your presentation. It is essential to be clear in your communication on what your purpose is. A clear, gripping and electrifying purpose can make a significant difference in accomplishing your objectives. Purpose gives the presenter a solid foundation on what to communicate to the audience. No one should leave your presentation not knowing what the purpose is.
Two Types of Popular Presentations
There are two popular types of presentations. The first which is the most common is used to report, inform, explain and announce. Often when presenting information, facts and number are involved. The more disciplined you are about sticking to the facts, the more successful you’ll be at providing complete information.(Pincus, 2006)
References: Retrieved December 8, 2007 from the World Wide Web: Landsberger, J. (1996). Transitional Words & Phrases. Retrieved December 4, 2007 from the World Wide Web: Pincus, M. (2006). Boost your Presentation IQ. New York: Andy Winston Seinfeld, J. (1993, April 15). The Smelly Car, Episode 61. Retrieved December 9, 2007 from the World Wide Web: Retrieved December 7, 2007 from the World Wide Web: