A Guide for Writing a Reaction Paper for October Sky
Carlo Joseph M. Moskito
Year and Section
This paper discusses the format and technique in writing a reaction paper for films discussed under the Science courses designed for our school. When you submit your reaction papers, it should be printed on a short bond paper (not A4 or long) with an inch (1 inch) margin on all sides. The paper only uses the Tahoma font style. The body of your paper (what comes after the heading containing the title of your paper) must be formatted with two columns. There is no need to indent when making new paragraphs. Spaces between paragraphs will do. Paragraphs must be justified (Ctrl + J). The first page should not contain a page number. Numbering for pages should only be visible on the upper right hand corner of the page for the second page and so on in a format Page x of y. To do this, go to Insert, Page Number, Top of Page and select the format Page x of y, Font size 9. To see only the page number for the second page and so on, check the box for Different First Page under the Header and Footer Options.
In starting your paper, please think of a unique and relevant title for your paper. It should have a font size of 18, bold. The title must not be October Sky but a relevant title that could summarize or give a gist of your paper. It must contain a subtitle A Reaction Paper for October Sky (in replacement to A Guide in Writing a Reaction Paper for October Sky in this Guide) with a font size of 12. The third line must contain your full name with a font size of 12, bold. Following to it is your year level and section, font size of 11.
The Paper Proper
The paper proper contains the discussion of the film. When making the body of your paper, it is necessary to make several subtitles or subheadings that contains a group of ideas(Not the subtitles in the film!). For example, if you have two big ideas, a summary of the film and a review on the
References: section, this is cited from Reference no. 1. Final Notes Submission of the paper is on August 19, 2013 (Mon) only, CLASS HOURS. For the 4-G Class, you should submit it on the first period in the afternoon. For the 4-E class, submit it on our class, after recess. Reminders: I will not accept late papers! If you will be absent on the day of submission, present a valid excuse slip for me to accept your paper. A valid excused slip is countersigned by Ms. Leal with a note that it is EXCUSED. Last note:Please submit an electronic/soft copy of your paper until August 20, 2013 (Tues) via e-mail. There is a corresponding equivalent points for electronic submission. This is a required component of your grades! Please e-mail a .doc, .docx, .rtf or .pdf file of your paper to carlojoseph14@gmail.com with an e-mail heading: [PHYS Reaction Paper] Surname, Year and Section. Please follow this format. You do not need to write anything on the body of your e-mail. If you have troubles submitting the paper, you could upload it in Edmodo. Take note that you should direct mention only me in posting. You could submit a draft on the week of August 12 to 15. Though this is not required, I encourage you to submit so that I could help you check or revise your papers. This is not yet graded. Claim your submitted drafts two days after. The papers that will be submitted on August 19 (Mon) is the one that will be graded. Remember that this paper is equivalent to your project and the project can help you improve your grade. Non-submission of this requirement will receive a grade of zero. For clarifications, just approach me during breaks or within class periods. REFERENCES [1] Author. Year. Book Title. Edition Number. Publisher: Place of Publication. page numbers. [2] Author. Webpage Title. URL of Webpage. Last Accessed Date.