1. What is the purpose/goal of this assignment? Underline the key words in the assignment sheet and rubric that identify the purpose. 2. Describe the intended audience. Underline the key words in the assignment sheet and rubric that identify the audience. If no audience is indicated, how will you determine the audience for your writing? 3. Based on the purpose and audience, which of these rhetorical strategies should be used? Is the rhetorical strategy required or suggested by the instructor in the assignment sheet/rubric? Could multiple rhetorical strategies be used? Explain how. Narration Description Comparison/Contrast Classification/Division Argument/Persuasion Causal Analysis (Cause & Effect, Causal Chain) 4. How will your writing be developed? What content must be included? What are your ideas or your instructor’s requirements for supporting your thesis and/or elaborating on your topic? 5. Based on your topic, purpose and audience, how will you organize your writing? Which of the following strategies would work best? Chronological/Time order Spatial order Order of importance/Emphatic order (most to least important/least to most important) Where should the most emphasis be placed? General to specific or specific to general Abstract to Concrete Magician’s Trick (see “Simple Organization Strategies” document)
*Keep in mind any length requirements stated by your instructor.
6. How will you make sure your voice in the writing is appropriate for the task/purpose, context, and audience and show your unique perspective on the topic?
7. Does the discipline dictate any particular writing style (MLA, APA, Chicago)?
8. Are there any formatting or document design requirements? If yes, what are they?
9. What are the rules for submitting this assignment? Remember to check not only the assignment sheet and rubric, but also your course syllabus for submission rules. Due date Safe Assign Digital file naming Folder