VOLNEY B PALMER, IN Philadelphia IN 1841, started the first advertising agency as a space broker in a newspaper.. He acted as a simple agent, selling space for his client in Newspaper on a commission basis. He made no effort to help the advertiser to prepare copy, design and layout, and provide the many specialized services now performed by a modern agency. Since then-, the nature of the agency has changed considerably, but the method of compensation is in the form of a fixed percentage of advertising bills. It was only by the beginning of the 20th century that the agencies started to prepare advertise. And deliver them through the advertising media. LORD AND THOMAS was probably the first agency in the USA, with a reputation for creative work in advertising. Over the next several decades, the advertising agency improved the quality of the services, besides offering additional new series at extra charge. Agency growth has never looked back since then. It has grown in size and influence through the years, demonstrating ability to create effective