Firstly, Malala has been successful for being good role model to look up to in not giving up on what significant in her life and that will impact her future which is education. She got shot in 2012 in her hometown for the reason of getting educated. After surviving from the attack, Malala became stronger; she defends education by giving speech for the United Nations to illustrate the importance of education for every child. Indeed, she has impacted her society and the world in many ways such as raising awareness to people about the importance of education and creating the Malala fund to support poor people. “Three million people have signed the Malala Petition” (dais, 2013). She caused the UN to recommit to Millennium Development Goal 2 that states that all children by 2015 must complete their education and go to school. Consequently, the UN has supported her country and provided many facilities to develop the knowledge in schools, universities and colleges. Furthermore, Despite her young age, she had many awards because of her role in education and women's rights as the Nobel Peace Prize 2013. Unlike Queen Rania provided a better education in her country, including the high technology devices in the schools and universities that made her citizens learn easier and faster. Similarly, she created her own organizations for the rights of women and children national Early Childhood Development …show more content…
They are a good example for people who put others first after their selves. They back up the women’s' and kids rights to live peacefully and equally. In my opinion, Malala has been more effective to the world because Malala has gain a lot of suffering to help people and to handle different problems. Furthermore, she was not like any teenager that thinks about fashion and the social media she was thinking about learning. But, Queen Rania did her role as a