Student number: 3809912
TBS 983
International business environment
Assignemt 1: Malaysia
Due date: 12 august 2010
Table Content:
Executive summary…………………………………………………….p3
1) Country profile of Malaysia:.............................................................p5-6
1.1) Geography:
1.2) Population:
1.3) Language and religion:
2) Economy:…………………………………………………………….p6-8
2.1) GDP trend:
2.1) GDP trend:
2.2) Trade system and Tariff Barrier and Non- Tariff:
3) Political System:……………………………………………………..p8
4) Legal and Regulatory environment:……………………………….p9
5) Social- Cultural Environment:……………………………………..p9-10
6) Resources:…………………………………………………………....p10
6.1) natural and raw:
6.2) Human:
6.3) Financial:
7) Ethic and social responsibility:……………………………………..p11
Conclusion and recommendation:…………………………………….p12
Executive summary:
The aim of this report will provide an analysis of Malaysia to the company for the reason that they are interesting to invest in Malaysia
The information is the report will describe different aspect of Malaysia and try to give an understanding of the cultural, political ways of the country. The report describe several points of Malaysia it start by the geography, then economy, political, legal environment, also the social , resources and ethics . After analyzing all these factors the report gives that Malaysia could be a potential country where to invest due to his labor, resources and geography location. Obviously, they are a lot of opportunities.
Nonetheless, they still have some troubles that could make the company to be careful. For instance, Malaysia still has a high level of corruption which is a problem for foreign investment about security. Also about some protectionism from the government in some industries and there are some Islamic value to take care.
However, the study recommend to the