The healthcare system in Malaysia involves many different agencies and organisations that may be directly, or indirectly, related to health. The Ministry of Health (MOH) acts as the primary provider, planner and organiser of medical, and health services for the nation and is thus the government’s lead agency for health.
Malaysia generally has an efficient and widespread system of health care, operating a two-tier health care system consisting of both a government-run universal healthcare system and a co-existing private healthcare system. Two-tier health is a situation that arises when there is a basic health care system financed by government providing medically necessary but perhaps quite basic health care services, and a secondary tier of care for those with access to more funds who can purchase additional health care not covered by the publicly financed system or which permits better quality or faster access.
Healthcare in Malaysia is divided into private and public sectors. The main bulk of Public Sector is under the MOH, which provides care at three levels – primary, secondary and tertiary.
Primary health care is the thrust of the Malaysian healthcare system and the country is a signatory to the Alma Ata Declaration of 1978. There is government acknowledgement that equity in health is not the purview of the health sector alone. Government policies for the poor have included targeting healthcare delivery to the economically disadvantaged and to rural populations. The concept and philosophy of health in Malaysia is embodied in the following tenets: * Health is a fundamental right of every Malaysian and every individual has the right to develop and lead a healthy life. With this right, there must also be a