Syukur Alhamdulillah to Allah SWT. Finally, I had completed this report as requested by my respected lecturer. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Puan Shashazrina Binti Roslan, lecturer of Personal Finance and Planning at UniversitiTeknologiMARA Johor Segamat branchfor providing mean opportunity to do this research. This research must be taken from any research journals or academic journals. The topic of this research should be related to the subject Personal Finance and Planning (FIN533) only. It can be the either main topics or sub topics of the whole lesson.
As the research requirements, I had made a report or summary out of this research. This report are containing the following as such Abstract, Research Problems, Research Problems, Research Methodology and last but not least the conclusion of the findings.
This research bears on imprint to me, other students taking subject of Personal Finance and Planning (FIN533) and also many people. I had taken efforts in this research. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help from Puan Shashazrina Binti Roslan herself, classmates, friends and also our family too. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.
I had chosen the journal title of Malaysian Consumers’ Credit Card Usage Behavior. This is because in the subject Personal Finance and Planning (FIN533), in Chapter 3, I had learned the topic Consumer Credit. In which one of the consumer credit sources comes from Credit Card.
I am glad to choose this topic because it is an interesting topic because it can help me to understand more why a person spends using credit card. This also allows me identify the credit card usage behavior.
Nowadays, many Malaysian are bankrupt because of the credit card debt. Unfortunately, Malaysian postgraduates that had just worked for few years had credit card debt and some of they are bankrupt. This scenario should not happen in our