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Malaysian Economics

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Malaysian Economics
YEAR 2009-2013




NUMBER | TITLE | PAGES | 1 | ANALYSIS CHART PAST SEMESTER QUESTION YEAR 2009-2013 | 3-5 | 2 | APRIL 2009 (PART A & PART B) | 6-7 | 3 | OCTOBER 2009 (PART B) | 8 | 4 | APRIL 2010 (PART A & PART B) | 9-10 | 5 | OCTOBER 2010 (PART A & PART B) | 11-12 | 6 | APRIL 2011 (PART A & PART B) | 13-14 | 7 | SEPTEMBER 2011 (PART A & PART B) | 15-16 | 8 | MARCH 2012 (PART A & PART B) | 17-18 | 9 | OCTOBER 2012 (PART A & PART B) | 19-21 | 10 | MARCH 2013 (PART A & PART B) | 22-23 |

QUESTION & ANSWER | | | | PART A | PART B | 4 | APRIL2009 | 1 | QUESTION 2(b):Three (3) In-Situ development programmers in Malaysia.QUESTION 5(a):Different between agro-forestry approaches in the Third National Agricultural Policy. | QUESTION 2(a):Five (5) major problems faced by the agricultural sector in Malaysia. | 4 | OCTOBER2009 | 2 | - | QUESTION 2(b):Five (5) roles of Agricultural Sector in Malaysia. | 4 | APRIL2010 | 1 | QUESTION 3(b):Four (4) objectives of the Third National Agricultural Policy NAP III. | QUESTION 4(a):Three (3) strategies of First National Agricultural Policy (NAP I) 1984 and two (2) strategies of Third National Agricultural Policy (NAP III) 1998-2010. | 4 | OCTOBER2010 | 2 | Question 5(a):Different between In-Situ development and new land development. | QUESTION 3(b):Five (5) problems of agricultural sector. | 4 | APRIL2011 | 1 | QUESTION 4(c):Two (2) objectives of the National Agricultural Policy I (1984-1991). | QUESTION 2(b):Four (4) roles of the agriculture sector to the Malaysian economic development. | 4 | SEPTEMBER2011 | 2 | QUESTION 5(a):Four (4) programmers under In-Situ development. | QUESTION 3(c):Four (4) contributions of agricultural in Malaysia. | 4 | MARCH2012 | 1 | QUESTION 4(b):Four (4) roles of the agricultural sector in Malaysia. | QUESTION 3(b):Different between the agro-forestry approach and product-based approach in the Third National Agriculture Policy (NAP III) | 4 | OCTOBER2012 | 2 | QUESTION 3(b):Three (3) reasons why the agricultural sector still important to the economy. | QUESTION 2(b):Five (5) critical thrusts of the National Agricultural Policy III (NAP 3) | 4 | MARCH2013 | 1 | Question 3(a):Three (3) weaknesses of the agricultural sector.QUESTION 3(b):Four (4) agricultural programmers that have been implemented in Malaysia. | QUESTION 3(b):Four (4) importance of agricultural sector in Malaysia. |

APRIL 2009
Using examples, illustrate 3 in-situ development programmers in Malaysia.
(6 marks) 1. Irrigation and drainage facilities example jabatan air johor (SJAJ) 2. Replanting example replanting rubber trees and palm oil RRIM and FRIM 3. Fisheries example provide nets to fisherman

Differentiate between agro-forestry approach and product approach in the third national agriculture policy.
(6 marks) Agro-forestry approach | Product approach | wider range of agro forestry | Role upstream and downstream | Agriculture and forestry on same land | Identify marketing expansion | Optimize land utilization | Increase farm income |

Described 5 roles of agricultural sector in Malaysia. (15 marks)
1. To supply cheap foodstuff and raw materials for the urban or industrial sector as an example rubber from rubber process to produce tyre
2. To release labor to provide the work force for the industrial sector as an example rural areas provide raw materials and urban area produce the product.
3. provide job opportunity it means government provide land for community get a job for example Felda provide jobs to community.
4. contribution to economy by decrease import and increase export that can incease the national income by export Malaysia product to other country.
5. Development rural area by promoting agriculture sector for example in Sabak Bernaminvite the community to see and feel the variety of maaysian product.

Describe five (5) roles of Agricultural Sector in Malaysia. (15 marks) The five roles of Agricultural Sector in Malaysia are firstly, share of gross domestic product, foreign exchange, employment and productivity, rural infrastructure, to ensure food safety. Share of gross domestic product mean the primary sector of agriculture, forestry and mining are contribution to GDP at the year of independence was 45 per cent in comparison to the secondary sectors of manufacturing and construction is 11 per cent. Foreign exchange mean agriculture is an importance foreign exchange earner. The major export earning comes from palm oil export. Malaysia also has a significant food import bill. Employment and productivity mean while its share of total employment is declining, productivity is on an increasing trend, made possible with the introduction of farm mechanization and implementation of land consolidation and group farming programs. Rural infrastructure means they provide an integrated package of infrastructure and support service. For example the department of agriculture 1990 statistics indicated that 90.23 per cent have portable water, and 8.93 per cent have telephones. To ensure food safety mean Malaysia still experienced lack of food supply such as rice, poultry, vegetables and fruits. The high value imported food is main causes why we need to develop our agriculture sector.

APRIL 2010
List four (4) objective of the Third National Agricultural Policy (NAPIII).
There have four objective of the Third National Agricultural Policy, which are to enhance food security and combating inflation, to increase productivity and competitiveness of the sector, to create new sources of growth for the sector and to converse and to utilize natural resources on a sustainable basis.

Discuss three (3) strategies of First National Agricultural Policy (NAP I) 1984 and two (2) strategies of Third National Agricultural Policy (NAP III) 1998-2010.
(15 marks)
Three strategies in First National Agricultural Policy is land development, In-situ development and support services. First, land development. With increasing force to new land development. The largest and most successful land scheme is run by FELDA: responsible for carry out development. Second, In-Situ development. In-Situ development is the effort by the government to improve productivity in existing agricultural areas and to provide better infrastructure and services. Such as: programmed replanting: replant the rubber tree with high quality mix plan from foreign country. Thirdly is support service is the agency help the development. For example: credit and subsidies. It is the capital to form the business such as agro-bank that provide loan with lower interest to the farmer.
Two strategies in Third National Income is meeting national food requirement and enhancing competitiveness and profitability in agriculture and forestry. First is meeting national food requirement is domestic food production will be promote by encourage in large scale and organize farming. Example: Malaysia. Second, improve competiveness and profitability in agriculture and forestry.

Different between in-situ development and new land development.
(4 marks) Land development. With increasing force to new land development. The largest and most successful land scheme is run by FELDA: responsible for carry out development. In-Situ development. In-Situ development is the effort by the government to improve productivity in existing agricultural areas and to provide better infrastructure and services. Such as: programmed replanting: replant the rubber tree with high quality mix plan from foreign country.

Discuss five (5) problem of agriculture sector. (15 marks) There have five problem of agriculture sector which are low of productivity, lack of labor, price instability, low technology development and lack of private sector participation. Lack of productivity it is because lack of knowledge to arrange their management. For example: Skillful manager must manage more efficiently their production to produce productivity product. Lack of labor. In agriculture sector there is lack of labor force to work in there because standard of living such as work in farm and estate. For example: young generation had migrated to the urban area to increase their standard of living. Price instability. The price is instability in agriculture sector there is because it depends to the demand of consumer and the good does not exist in long term. For example: organic vegetable not exist in long term because of weather. Low technology advance. The output of product cannot be produce in big scale there is because lack of technology. For example: in the past, process transfer from palm plant to the oil cannot be produce in big scale there is because lack of technology advance. Lack of private sector participation there is because the investor doesn’t want take high risk to invest in agriculture sector.

APRIL 2011
Briefly explain two (2) objectives of the National Agricultural Policy I (1984-1991).
(4 marks) -Increase the per capita income for the smallholders through the increase or efficiency and productivity. -Increase the food production for local markets such as paddy, vegetables, fruits and poultry.

Discuss four role of the agriculture sector to the Malaysian economic development. (10 marks) There have four role of the agricultural sector which is backbone of the economy, increase food production, improve balance trade, development to rural area and to increase industrial sector. Backbone of the economy, agriculture sector had been backbone of the economy for a very long time. For example sell cooking oil and cosmetic product base palm plant resources. Increase food production, Malaysian lack of food supply, agriculture sector produce is produce safety of food (halal) for example: majority in Malaysia is a Muslim community. So, focus to produce halal food for example, rice, flour and sardine improve balance trade. Malaysia have problem food bill, we cannot depend outside food, vary of activity production to increase export. For example: reduce import rice from Thailand. Process paddy plant in big scale in Kedah state. Government helps by prove subsidy and facility such as irrigation system, electric, and water. Development to rural area. Promoting the agriculture sector, can bring development to rural area. For example: Sabak Bernam invites the community to see and feel the variety of Malaysia environment and product. To increase industrial sector. Agriculture based industrial. Agricultural to manufacturing sector, not to produce the product but the process from palm plant to cosmetic product.

List Four (4) programmers under in-situ development. (4 marks)
-Integrated Agricultural Development Projects (IADPs)
-Irrigation and drainage facilities
-diversification for other crops

Explain four (4) contributions of agricultural in Malaysia. (10 marks)
-to ensure safety of foods
*in agriculture we are produced safety of food example halal food. Majority in Malaysia is a Muslim community so that we are focus to produce halal food.
-agricultural based industry
*this is primary sector and it is important and contribute to Malaysia GDP.
-Reducing the poverty
*mostly agricultural activity is in rural area, so that people in rural area can involve in agricultural activity so that it can reduce poverty problem.
-job opportunities
*many land development that government provide example FELDA, so that people can get a job as a farmer.
-decrease the import
*Before we are too dependent to outside food, so that we must to try to prove Malaysia production of food.

March 2012 PART A QUESTION 4(b): List four (4) roles of the agricultural sector in Malaysia. (4 marks) The five roles of Agricultural Sector in Malaysia are firstly, to supply cheap foodstuff and raw materials for the urban or industrial sector. Second, to export farm product to earn foreign exchange which could be used to finance technological and material import for urban and industrial development. Third, to release labor to provide the work force for the industrial sector. Forth, to expend the domestic market for industrial product.

Different between the agro-forestry approach and product-based approach in the Third National Agricultural Policy 3(NAP111) (10 marks) The NAP3’s main concerns are food security, productivity, inflation, private sector investment, increasing export, reducing unproductive import and sustainable use of natural resources. The Nap 3 contains two new approaches those are agro-forestry and product- based. The different between the ago-forestry approach and product- based approach in the Third National Agricultural Policy 3(NAP111). Agro forestry approach is the agro forestry approach is aim to tackle the problem of resources constraints (land and labor) and focuses on sustainable agricultural development. Agricultural and forestry are view as complementary and allow for the production of agricultural and forestry. Product on the same land thus reducing the demand for new arable land. For example, rubber tree estates, Setang tree and Tongkat Ali plants can be grown together thus reducing pressure for new arable agricultural land and thereby raising the productivity of land. Product-based approach mean this is deference from the commodity based approach. The product based approach is aims to meet the challenges of the increasing competitiveness and to enhance profitability within the agricultural sector. The approach identifies key product and their market which serve as signals to the upstream (raw material) producer. For example of specific product under this approach include process (halal) food from the livestock industry, juices and cocktail from fruits.

Briefly explain three (3) reasons why the agricultural sector still important to the economy. (6 marks)
-increased food production
*the sector contributed not only as a supplier of raw material to the resource based industries but also in terms of food production and Malaysian aim to be centre hub for halal food production.
-development to rural areas
*by promoting the agricultural sector, it can bring development to rural areas.
-backbone the economy
*the agricultural sector has been the backbone of the economy for a very long time. The primary sector in our country is agricultural sector.
-increased self sufficiency
* For food security production and Malaysia aim to be reasons, we must try to increase self- centre/hub for ‘halal’ food production sufficiency in other foods especially meet, rice and milk.

Discuss five (5) critical thrusts of the National Agricultural Policy III (NAP 3).
(15 marks)
-enhancing competitiveness and profitability in the agricultural sector
*focusing in promoting globally competitive industries in agriculture and forestry. The competitiveness of the sector will be enhanced through productivity improvement, developing and strengthening markets, removal of market and trade distorting protective measures.
-strengthening requisite economic foundation
*it is necessary to support and sustain the development of existing core agricultural and forestry industries and initiate the growth of new ones. These include continuous upgrading the quality of human resources, development of indigenous R&D capability and technology.
-adopting sustainable development
*Sustainable management and utilization of resources will be the guiding principle in pursuing agricultural and forestry development. Rules, regulations and incentives will be strengthened to encourage environment‐friendly agricultural and forestry practices and minimize the negative impact of these activities on the environment.
-enhancing the integrated development of the food and industrial crops sub sectors.
*There are resources within the industrial and food crop sub‐sectors that can be exploited for an integrated development of both sectors. These resources include land, labor and waste as well as by‐products that can be used to produce value‐added products.
-meeting national food requirement
*Domestic food production will be enhanced through large‐scale food production by the private sector. This necessitates the strengthening of critical support services and institutional arrangements.

MARCH 2013
Briefly explain three weaknesses of the agricultural sector. (6 marks) 1. Lack of productivity it means when practicing this sector people have problem in capital, uneconomic size of land and labor shortage. 2. Problem in marketing the production it means lack of marketing outlet and lack of infrastructure. 3. Technical problem it means all the machines in production the agriculture sector damages.

List 4 agricultural programmers that have been implemented in Malaysia.
(4 marks) 1. Replanting 2. Livestock 3. Fisheries 4. Irrigation and drainage facilities

Question 3(b):
Described 4 importance of agricultural sector in Malaysia. (10 marks)
1. Backbone of the company it means the agriculture economy has been the backbone of economy for a very long time as example plantation paddy in Kedah.
2. Increase food production it means Malaysia lack of food supply and Malaysia aim to be centre of halal food production by avoid uses the product that contains doubtful product for example gelatin made by pig.
3. Development to rural area it means by promoting the agricultural sector, it can bring development to rural area as example the area of plantation paddy in Kedah.
4. Can reduce poverty because mostly in rural area involved by people in rural area that can reduce poverty for example in Felda.

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