Mercy Health System
The Malcolm Baldrige Award is a guide to achieve excellence in businesses. It is based on a system approach that draws a set of performance objectives for companies, allowing them to reach advanced and outstanding performance to better serve their numerous stakeholders on one hand, to enhance the general organizational effectiveness and efficiency on the other, as well as encourage and increase both the individual and organizational learning with the purpose to increase the overall satisfaction. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is held every year, it is honored by the presence of the President of the United States of America who presents the awards to organizations that successfully reveal outstanding quality and performance. It is given to organizations in different fields and sectors mainly: manufacturing, service and small businesses, education, health care and nonprofit organizations. The Awards are given annually to the top organizations that meet the outstanding requirements in seven areas of performance excellence, known as the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence.
Organization that won the Malcolm Baldrige award in the healthcare system is Mercy Health System in 2007. Testing Mercy Hospital to full capacity trying to achieve all the requirements that are needed, including leadership, strategic planning, customer Focus, measurement, workforce, focus, operations focus, and results. Mercy Health System’s senior leadership team is committed to achieving organizational excellence through adoption of the Culture of Excellence. The Culture of Excellence is supported by the Four Pillars of Excellence: Quality, Service, Partnering, and Cost and is defined by the visionary strategic goals. Senior leadership adopted a Servant- Leadership Philosophy. This philosophy is founded on the belief that when leaders provide excellent service to partners, partners provide excellent service to customers. This