Growing up, people have different goals in their lives, and sometimes without knowing exactly what they are going to do, they simply want to be successful in the future. Success is a word that has different meanings for many people: some of them think success is the wealth, for some it is just making the world a better place. Success does not happen overnight as describes Malcolm Gladwell, the author of the book called, “Outliers: The Story of Success”. In most cases it takes a lot of practice. Sometimes the past of a person or the place where he/she was born affects the future of that person. Referring to some facts from one of Gladwell’s …show more content…
Skills and knowledge gained over the time of learning and an experience show how interested a person is in his/her profession is. The more interested, the better he/she will get further along the way, “Both critical thinking (CT) and knowledge management (KM) skills are necessary elements for a university student’s success” (Yeh). Success approached at the university leads a person into a successful career path is a person continues with the same attitude by developing professional skills. Most importantly, the more excited a person is about what he does, the happier he/she becomes. It is also an important factor in life, feeling satisfaction in career and everyday …show more content…
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