Malcolm X for many years. Why did such teachings appeal to many African Americans?
Intro - Religion plays a big role in altering someone’s personality or changing how people
perceive the world. During the 1960’s besides Christianity one of the religion that grew faster
was the nation of Islam. The nation of Islam was first founded by Wallace Fard in 1930s. African
Americans felt closer to Islam and related to it because they believed that god created black's
first and the white man is the devil.
Members of the Nation of Islam read the Koran, worship Allah as their God, and practice the
religion by praying and reading the Quran. Along with the religious views …show more content…
Mixing with other races wasn’t an option instead, the Nation of Islam wanted blacks to set
up their own ideas, separate themselves from the whites and focus on constructing their lost
culture and identity.
When Malcolm X made his personal conversion, Elijah Muhammad soon recognized his talents
and made him a leading spokesperson for the Black Muslims. The nation of Islam
P1 - views about blacks
This outspoken and strong leadership of Malcolm X, similarly impacted upon the civil rights
movement as African-Americans began to follow the example of Malcolm X. he attracted many
African-Americans to the Nation of Islam through promoting a religion that was perceived to
stand up for African-Americans against Caucasians, his pride in himself and his people proved to
be confronting for many African American’s because most of them are a victim of racism, hate
and torture. The power in his speech moved
P2 - views about Whites
The Caucasians were threatened by the African Americans. The strong, purposeful philosophies
of Malcolm X who was renowned for his famous "by any means necessary" statement, gave
African-Americans a militant figure who was prepared to physically fight Caucasians.