want the children to be lied to and unfairly taught by white teachers. He originally states “The Organization of Afro-American Unity will devise original educational methods and procedures which will liberate the minds of our children from the vicious lies and distortions that are fed to us from the cradle to keep us mentally enslaved.” (Doc E) So what he’s basically saying is that he doesn’t want the black children to be lied to by the teachers and be bullied by the white population that surrounds them. Everything that Malcolm says about the unfairness of the schooling is almost exactly opposite of what Martin had in mind. Mlk States “ Let us march on segregated school until every vestige of segregation and inferior education becomes a thing of the past…” (Doc D) As you can tell, both leaders had completely different ideas of how to pursue their wish of equality.
Aside From education, Martin Luther King Jr. had betters ideas and ways to make equality actually happen. The big problem during this time was racism, and being segregated between races was the way whites wanted it to be. No whites wanted to be with blacks and it was unfair for blacks to live the way they did back then, even though racism is still a big situation we live with. MLK wanted that to change, he said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by their character…” (Doc B) He thought that being judged by the color of skin wasn't a thing to judge people for. In the other hand, Malcolm X said that it would actually be better for everyone to be separate and still learn to “like” each other. He’s said “ We will completely respect our white co-workers. They will deserve credit… We will meanwhile be working among our own kind, in our own black communities…” (Doc C) He wants the whites to, still, respect his race as they will respect them back. So even though both of these men had the same wish of equality, they both had different ways of working on it.
The biggest way these two men had to deal with for the change was violence and nonviolence.
MLK and Malcolm X once again are at their differences. MLK wanted to solve this problem with non violence whereas Malcolm X wanted to use violence to solve the problem. “Bomb our homes and threaten our children; send your hooded perpetrators of violence into our communities and drag us out on some wayside road, beating us and leaving us half dead, and we will still love you. But we will soon wear you down by our capacity to suffer” (Doc H) This is what MLK said in his Stride Toward Freedom book when he was finally starting the move of segregation being put to an end. He was saying that no matter how badly or how much the white people beat up the blacks, the blacks will still love them and respect them for who they are and not fight back because if they fought back it would just make everything worse. You can not fight one wrong with another wrong, two wrongs don’t make anything right. In the other hand, Malcolm X thought the best way to fix the racism was to fight it with violence. “ I believe we should protect ourselves be any means necessary when we are attacked by racists.” (Doc K) Malcolm is literally saying that if anyone gets attacked that they should fight back even though that isn’t always the safest plan. The safest way to go at this point would to just take in the beatings until the whites get sick of it and give up because it would be pointless to just fight back and
basically start another war.
In conclusion, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X both had the same wish, equality, but they both had different views on how to get their wish. One was with acting peacefully with everyone and the other was to fight fire with fire. The best decision was MLK’s way with the peace and the act of togetherness. If that choice was never made our world would be so different from how it is now.