He was lost on the streets on Boston and became familiar with the underworld of crime; soon he was selling drugs, gambling and into burglary. In 1946, at the age of twenty, he was sentenced to prison for ten years for burglary. In prison his brother Reginald visited him and informed him about the Black Muslims led by Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm was so inspired by the teachings of Elijah Muhammad (leader of the organization) and converted to Islam. He was released from prison in 1952 and later became the spokesman of the Nation of Islam organization due to his skills in speaking. In a strange set of events, conflicts grew between Elijah and Malcolm and in 1964 Malcolm realized Elijah was a hypocrite and didn’t follow the Islamic teachings himself. He publicly announced that he was no longer a member of Nation of Islam group and founded his own organization; the Muslim Mosque Inc. Days later; Malcolm went for pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia and understood the real teachings of Islam. When he returned back to America, his views and beliefs had changed and he was no longer supporting the saying “whites are evil”, he believed in …show more content…
His contributions and his impacts have led millions across the world to define him as leader. There are certain qualities that a person needs in order to become a successful leader and when it comes to Mr. Malcom x; he has gotten most of them. Being able to persuade people, being brave and confidence are among the most important elements in making a good leader. Malcolm was a very engaging character and found it very easy to make people believe as to what he is saying is right. In the early 1950’s, he became the spokesman of the Nation of Islam organization due to his excellent skill in writing speeches. He was so persuading that the members of Nation of Islam organization grew from 400- 40,000. By the early 1960s, Malcolm X had emerged as a leading voice of a radicalized wing of the Civil Rights Movement, presenting an alternative to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of achieving equality by peace. A true leader has to be brave and ready to face any misfortunes in life. Malcolm x stood from the front and took risk on his own which is why we can describe him as a brave personality. In one of his interviews, he was asked about being threatened and he replied with braveness in his eyes, “Have I gotten any threats? All I get is threats. I get at least six or seven a day.” Considering the fact that he was no longer part of the Nation of Islam organization, he knew the men from there were