February 21, 1965 Today, as the world we have lost a legacy. Since, Malcolm X was on of the ultimate and influential African American the world has even known and will. Malcolm X ensure considerably to make African American appreciation of the understanding of the African American heritage. He would voice his opinion about the things we were too afraid present ourselves. He presented us a huge experience to voice up for our rights as African American. Who could believe that troubled boy would become one of the must powerful and educate leader? As a young boy, he was a troublemaker and did time in prison. During the ten years, he spends time prison he educate himself and introduce himself as Islam teaching to the nations. Therefore, after serving the prison time he became a minister in several temple Boston, Philadelphia as well in New York. He started the newspaper titled "Muhammad Speaks" that impressed a controversial viewpoint that blacks were superiors. Malcolm X became second in command to Elijah Muhammad, but they end going different way. Elijah was trapped to his ideas of the nation of Islam, where Malcolm X was focused on the true of the Islam. …show more content…
Therefore, he instead encouraged blacks power and blacks awareness resulting in violence. Malcolm X did well-known speeches such as "The Black Revolution", "Black Man's History", and "God's Judgment of White America" better know as ("The Chickens Come home to Roost"). He gave those speeches during the years he was on part of Nation of Islam and he transition to the True Islam he gave the "The Ballot”. After he became part of the True Islam, he gave a speech at Ford