These people taught him to be himself, as well as to lead himself. From the very beginning he was told, “you’re no good, but you don’t try to hide it. You are not a hypocrite” (15), proving Malcolm always remained true to himself. By turning to the Nation of Islam to help him out of the dark place he was in, Malcolm started to rely on Elijah Muhammad to bring him to a safe place in life. Malcolm said, “I was his most faithful servant, and I know today that I did believe in him more firmly than he believed in himself” (214). Despite what Malcolm thought was an everlasting bond with Elijah Muhammad, Elijah eventually betrayed Malcolm, following his discovery that Elijah Muhammad, a married man, was involved in adulterous relationships with several secretaries. Malcolm was told he was getting too much attention and was “silenced” for ninety days. He decided to step away from the Nation of Islam, which led many members of the NOI to resent Malcolm. Malcolm experienced betrayal throughout his lifetime from many different friends he met along the road, ultimately leading to his death. The only people he could truly trust were his own family, demonstrating that Malcolm should have continued to depend on himself; relying on others led to his
These people taught him to be himself, as well as to lead himself. From the very beginning he was told, “you’re no good, but you don’t try to hide it. You are not a hypocrite” (15), proving Malcolm always remained true to himself. By turning to the Nation of Islam to help him out of the dark place he was in, Malcolm started to rely on Elijah Muhammad to bring him to a safe place in life. Malcolm said, “I was his most faithful servant, and I know today that I did believe in him more firmly than he believed in himself” (214). Despite what Malcolm thought was an everlasting bond with Elijah Muhammad, Elijah eventually betrayed Malcolm, following his discovery that Elijah Muhammad, a married man, was involved in adulterous relationships with several secretaries. Malcolm was told he was getting too much attention and was “silenced” for ninety days. He decided to step away from the Nation of Islam, which led many members of the NOI to resent Malcolm. Malcolm experienced betrayal throughout his lifetime from many different friends he met along the road, ultimately leading to his death. The only people he could truly trust were his own family, demonstrating that Malcolm should have continued to depend on himself; relying on others led to his