King's positive attitude towards the future of racism in our country made him a different, and in many ways a better activist. Malcolm X's rough childhood and past experiences shaped his pessimistic views. Because King was more idealistic he gave a greater hope to the blacks. Malcolm X's more realistic speeches and views were seen as pessimistic; promoting separatism and no hope for blacks and whites ever reaching equality. Malcolm X's arguments were more of a negative reminder of the inequality blacks faced; while King brought about ideas for a hopeful future.
Malcolm X's often angry tone fueled the white racists. King was a bigger promoter of non-violence, which gave the whites less to criticize. Malcolm was an easier target for the whites because of his anger. His anger also triggered more hatred amongst the black community. It may have been more effective for Malcolm X to deliver his ideas in a way more similar to King's.
Overall, both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were two of the most influential men of our history's past. They both had an ultimate goal of bringing hope to the blacks in our country; however they