Professor Waddles
English 110, Section 013
10 October 2013
When growing up there was always a difference between me and my male cousins. They experienced what some would call tough love. When reading Staples, Just Walk on by, he had a view on how young thugs were created. Staples observed what he called the “male romance” and its power to intimidate. Throughout live I came upon example of how romance is an important factor of upbringing in today’s society. Staples observation concerning the “male romance” with the power to intimidate is very much accurate in today’s society. He is basically stating that when growing up to an adult you should be taught as a baby to be tough and intimidating. Others would think he’s pretty much scornfully characterized this “male romance” as pretty much nonsense. I do agree with the point Staples made toward a baby through his bottle. This is where it starts and now he’s influence by his older brother or cousin. So now that child is to grow up listening to what his older cousin or sibling told him to do. Now, he’s carrying that information to be tough and intimidating. I support that romance is a part of male upbringing in today’s society. For example, I have a younger brother that’s 7 years old. He growing up as a child is treated differently from me when I was growing up. He constantly gets whopping and I can count the time I received whopping growing up. My dad talks rough to him and yells and him about everything he does
George 2 wrong. When I was growing up my dad never would raise his voice at me. I also remember a time when my cousins and I that are all boys would get into trouble and they would get in trouble and timeout, but I would just get told to sit down. There are many experiences that have made me the woman I’m today. Now I don’t like to see anyone in trouble. I am a sweet loving person and what some would call soft hearted. Now my brother is a bully and my cousins are much respected. They can go to a party together and everyone respects them. To think that there upbringing of being filled with tough love has something to do with that. Staples’s view on life’s “male romance” is something to think about. There are males everyday with the mentality to intimidate people but naturally want hurt a fly. Many males have that alpha male mentality and believe that other men will fear them. Naturally women will cling to the male that they feel can protect them. This is when the male romance prospective takes part. Me as a women love to be with a man that I know will protect me. For example my boyfriend is very protective and he thinks he’s the best fighter. He was brought up in a single mother household. His uncle raised him as a son and told him the values of being a tough person starting as a child. Staples is a great writer and this story really takes you to a place that no one really want to be a part of. He has had many experiences where he could have made a huge scene. He could have taken the story to court but he didn’t. It takes a great person to not just write about his situations but let the world know. Staples best revenge would be what he’s doing now. He joined the New York Times staff and succeeded to becoming a member of the editorial board.