• Aim: To study of effects of mall culture on various age groups and how it is affected both socially and economically.
• Objective: To study the differences in various age groups regarding the growing trend of mall culture on them.
• Methodology: Using the survey method, we took into consideration the various age groups and took sample of at least 10 people from each group.
• Sampling: (Division of age group) 4-15 (children) 16-30 (youngsters) 31-45 (middle age) 45 and above (old age)
• Hypothesis: Malls are preferred more than the local markets by various age groups.
• Introduction: Indians are no longer afraid to dream. Sales and bargain deals, attractive prizes, and schemes are the sure fire success formulae that the shopkeepers and showroom and super bazaars use to lure visitors in huge numbers. Malls are a mega hit. This is one culture that consumers are happy about. So happy that no one seems to mind the 'unplanned expenditure' incurred by an outing to such an enticing place. They enjoy air-conditioned comfort, availability of a range of merchandise under one roof, and a one-stop family entertainment arena. India was to have some 350 malls out of which nearly 250 were planned in tier II and tier III towns, taking this revolution further. Now there is a new association of big brands that has come together to give brand loyalists something to cherish, aspire for, and much, much more. Gurgaon alone hopes to play host to some 150 odd malls. For the big buyers, say for weddings, or corporate purchases, the preferred venues are still the traditional markets like the Johari Bazar in old Jaipur city where bargaining still rules. Trust and faith still matter the most. Mall owners and shop owners in the malls, wish that all visitors (often a visit to a mall is just seen as entertainment) would turn into customers. It’s no surprise that