As genetic mechanisms is seen to predominate during embryonic craniofacial morphogenesis and thus contributes to the etiology of many craniofacial abnormalities, genetic factors must be definitely considered in the etiology of malocclusion. However environment is also believed to influence dentofacial morphology postnatally, especially during facial growth. Environmental influence is also very well a component, though a small one. Since monozygotic twins will have identical genetic make-up, any difference in the dentofacial pattern will be due to environmental influence. If a difference is seen in the developmental …show more content…
The factors that influence the patient’s response to the treatment of a particular malocclusion may not be the same ones as the factors that causes a malocclusion to develop. Malocclusion is a trait that can be greatly affected by environmental factors. In the consideration of environmental influence upon the development of malocclusion, it should be remembered that one’s genome may influence the response to environmental factors. Similar malocclusions in siblings may often be the result of not just common genetic or environmental factors, but also because of their similar genetic factors affecting how they respond to the shared environmental