Back to Malory Towers Again.
I’ve simply loved the hols," said Darrell, as she got into her father's car, ready to set off to school once more. "But I'm glad it's time for school again. I've been eight weeks away from it!”
"Well, well, how simply terrible!" said her father. Is your mother ready, or must I hoot? It's an extraordinary thing that Fm always the first one ready. Ah, here comes Mother!”
Mrs. Rivers hurried down the steps. "Oh dear, have I kept you waiting?" she said. "The telephone went at the last minute. It was Sally Hope's mother, Darrell, asking what time we shall be along to pick up Sally and take her with us."
Sally Hope was Darrell’s best friend. Mr. Rivers, Darrell's father, was motoring them both down to Malory Towers, their school in Cornwall They were setting off very early so that they would be there before dark, and Sally was going with them.
"I hate leaving home but I just can't help being excited at going back again," said Darrell. This will be my fifth term at Malory Towers, Mother—and I'm to be in the Second Form. I shall feel grand!"
"Well, you're thirteen now. so it's time you went up," said her mother, settling down in the car. 'You will quite look down on the first form, won't you?—think they are mere babies!”
"I suppose I shall," said Darrell with a laugh. "Well, the third form look down on us—so we're all kept in our places!"
"There's your little sister waving to you," said her father, as the car slid down the drive. "She will miss you, Darrell."
Darrell waved frantically. "Good-bye. Felicity!” she yelled. "You'll be coming to Malory Towers some-time, then well go together!"
The car purred out of the drive into the road. Darrell took a last look back at her home. She would not see it again for three months. She felt a little sad—but then, being a sensible girl, she cheered up at once and set her thoughts on Malory Towers. She had grown to love her school very much