Department of Education
Puerto Princesa City National Science High School
City of Puerto Princesa
A Project Proposal in Partial Fulfillment in the subject
Elective Science IV
Antonieta C. Miguel
Eden E. Gutierrez
The researcher
Background of the Study This research is entitled “Malunggay leaves as Shampoo” this research is all about using malunggay leaves as shampoo. Malunggay leaves once considered a poor man’s vegetables but now it is known as a miracle tree or natures medicine cabinet by scientists and health care workers from around the world because it is loaded with vitamins and minerals that can be an effective remedy against many kinds of ailments. The leaves of malunggay, dubbed “miracle tree,” have been discovered as the most nutritious bio-food on earth. However, the seeds of malunggay are still hardly known as a highly promising source of bio-fuel (bio-diesel). The “miracle leaves” of malunggay contain four times the calcium and twice the protein of milk, seven times the vitamin C of oranges, four times the vitamin A (beta-carotene) of carrots, thrice the potassium in bananas, three times the iron content in spinach, with a full complement of minerals and all the amino acids of meat. Three spoonfuls of malunggay leaf powder contain 272 percent of a typical toddler’s daily vitamin A requirement, along with 42 percent of the protein, 125 percent of the calcium, 71 percent of the iron and 22 percent of the vitamin C. Shampoo is a hair care product used for removal of oils, dirt, skin particles, dandruff environment pollutants and other contamination particles that gradually build up in hair. This study
Statement of the Problem
1. Is it effective to do shampoo out of malunggay leaves?
2. Is it possible to make shampoo out of malunggay leaves?
3. Is the proposed project