1-O) we are here because of 1 man and 1 woman and when we were born we all started as
being a woman. In the bible it says in Genesis 2:18 “it is not good for the man to be alone
I will make a helper suitable for him.” Also in Corinthians 11:9 “and man was not made
for woman, but woman was made for man” so this basically explains that woman and
man should be treated equally because we were all woman and God created woman to
help us, if the woman was a the weaker gender I do not think they could help the men.
1- S) I agree with this because in order for the human race to continue we need a male
and a female. Therefore we can use the idea of 50/50. Meaning we need both of the
parties equally in order to continue life not only in reproducing but for the different tasks
we do in our lives. Even the manliest of man were once a woman in the mother’s womb
2- O) we should this about this topic as a philosopher from a neutral perspective and not
as a male or female. In the quran it says in 33:73”Allah has to punish hypocrites men and
woman and the unbelievers men and woman and allah turns in merci to believers men
and woman for allah is oft forgiving most merciful.”
2- S) I also agree with this because we as humans are very biased and we need to know
whats right and wrong, not what we want to be. We need to know what is right or wrong
not because of our religion or gender but as a simple human being
3- O) Desire is playing a key role in the relationship between man and woman. In genesis
2:24 it says “therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his
wife and they shall become one flesh” and also they say no sex until marriage. But this
generation of man and woman are divorcing and having underage sex and sex before
3- S) desire of pleasure is being satisfied by having sex before marriage with the opposite
sex or even