If we can never view the lives of others through their eyes but only our own, how can we ever expect a robot, a machine, to think and act like a human. I agree that it might be possible for machines to talk and carry out the everyday life and routines of a human. However, a machine will never be created with the ability to have feelings and emotions like a human.
Now lets look at the capabilities of science. Can scientists create a robot that has the ability to act and carry out the job of a human? Yes! Machines are already taking the place of humans on assembly lines and in factories. Are these machines faultless? NO! There is no such thing as the perfect machine or the perfect person. Everyone and everything has its faults. The machine may be more productive. It will be there twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, holidays, snow, rain or sine. Sounds like the machine may be a perfect. However, what happens when the machine jams or breaks down. Then the company can't do anything until the machine gets repaired. Where as if it was an assembly line and one of the workers didn't show up they could just be replaced. So in the work place man and machine can rival each other and will probably battle each other for many years to come. I personally do not like the idea of machines being utilized in place of humans. I feel that while machines might be more efficient it just isn't right to replace human beings in the work place with robots. It would put too many people out of work.
Moving on to a more serious topic. Should we even allow science to create a robot in the human image? I don't feel it is possible to recreate the human personality. Every person has there own thoughts, ideals, morals, and beliefs. There are no two people who agree on every topic. Even identical twins have major differences. I have known a set of brothers who happen to be identical twins and they have nothing in common besides their physical appearance. The dynamics of society are so incredible and cannot be replicated in a machine.
Humans think in two main ways, concrete and abstract forms. Concrete thinking is the belief of hard-core facts; concrete thinkers only believe what can be proven. The abstract thinkers are willing to except theories and unproven things. Humans think in both methods. The amount of abstract versus concrete thinking various between each and every person. I have no doubt that we can create robots that have the ability to think concretely. I do however; have serious doubt as to the ability of a robot to think abstractly. I'm a people person and I enjoy the fact that every person is different. The human personality can not be matched by a machine.
I will never doubt the ability of science. There is no doubt in my mind that they will someday create a robot that can carry out the same tasks in the work force as humans. Will that machine be able to have the same mental concepts as we do? Absolutely not! As far as I am concerned machines will only be able to do what we tell them to do. They will never be able to be compatible with the emotions of humans. We just cannot be duplicated. So, to answer the question "Man vs. Machine?" with out a doubt I can say that I don't think a robot will ever have the emotional aspects of a human. In the beginning I said that we try to understand other animals but we only see them through the human perspective. Robots will only see things through the perspective of the person programming them. Making them unable to think on their own. Machines will only be able to do what they are programmed to do. They will not have the ability to have the personal skills need to survive in our society.