
Mana Musa Dbq

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Would you travel for many months and miles for your religion? Millions of Muslims every year travel to Mecca the birthplace of their religion. Mansa Musa was the king of Mali and was also one of the richest people in Africa at the time and he wanted to show off and make trades to northern parts of Africa while on his Hajj to Mecca.

On his Hajj to Mecca Mansa Musa traveled to Taghaza and Tuwat Oasis as well as purposely brought 24,000 pounds of gold and 60,000 (Document A) to help him trade and convert people along the way. Taghaza was completely out of the Hajj and the reason he brought people was to trade for salt because in those two places “salt was worth its weight in gold” (Document B). Therefore, he had brought lots and lots of

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