Client S.D. is a 16 year old African American/ Puerto Rican female. She was adopted by her adoptive mother when she was six months old. She remains connected with her biological father. The client attends an alternative high school for students with low grade point averages or insufficient credit to proceed to the nest grade. The client has discussed her concerns of being diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and how it has affected her in school. She’s expressed that her marijuana usage was done to alleviate or reduce the symptoms of ADHD. For the purpose of this case design the interning clinician will address reducing marijuana usage using motivational interviewing.…
Parents can feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with their childs behaviour or may avoid social situations in the hope of avoiding problematic behaviour, this can make both parent and child feel iscolated. ( According to the book ‘Coping with ADHD’ all these symptoms will last if both a child and their parents are not taught how to correctly cope and deal with the symptoms. The book lays out how to manage situations more calmly and this in turn will help improve a parent-child relationship.…
The issue is that people with no experience discard the idea of ADHD being a disorder. It is hard for a parent to have their son/daughter, seen as a “druggie” for taking medications to treat the disorder or the chemically unbalanced part of the frontal lobe in the…
Further examining the problem of ADHD and the environment gives rise to the inference that ADHD is more a social and cultural creation, rather than a "neurological disorder." We have seen over the years that when social norms and values change, so do the definitions of deviance. Educators and, researchers are coming to realize that the response of the diagnosis of ADHD as biological maybe erroneous. The diseases would be more properly seen in a socio-cultural perspective.…
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 3-7% of school-aged children are diagnosed with ADHD. Although the disorder is technically incurable, these children learn to cope with symptoms through a variety of different treatments. These include the use of stimulant medications, psychotherapy, counseling, behavioral modification and neurofeedback (Jacobs 87). To discover which treatment is the most effective, a concise explanation of each, along with their individual regimens, is needed. Next, I will address the belief that ADHD is not a real disorder by providing scientific evidence. Subsequently, I will consult various sources of information to…
Teaching children with ADHD. (2010). International Schools Journal, [online] 12(2), p.37. Available at:|A368580009&v=2.1&it=r&sid=summon&userGroup=ko_acd_dc&authCount=1 [Accessed 28 Oct. 2015].…
Each year, millions of children are at risk of being misdiagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), and prescribed potentially harmful medications for this disorder. 9.5 percent, or 5 million, children in the United States were diagnosed with ADHD as of 2007. 2.8 million of those children received a prescription for a stimulant medication, such as Ritalin or Adderall, in 2008 (A Misdiagnosis, Anywhere). Do all of these children actually have ADHD? No. Therefore, do all of these children need ADHD medications? Definitely not. This will be proven throughout this article. Being easily distracted, failing to pay attention, not being able to sit still, forgetfulness, talking non-stop, and hitting others are the symptoms that determine if a child has ADHD, but almost all children act this way ( It is normal. Children should be given the opportunity to grow out of the symptoms that classify them as having ADHD. Some children just simply are not as mature as others their age, but that is not a good enough reason to assume that the child has ADHD, especially with the serious side effects that can occur with the prescribed medications.…
For the past 100 years how to treat children with ADHD has been among controversy. I am sure you are wondering what is ADHD? Several families have found themselves asking the same questions. ADHD is a common developmental and behavioral disorder. It is characterized by poor concentration, distractibility, hyperactivity, and impulses that are inappropriate for the child's age. Children with ADHD are easily distracted by sights and sounds in their environment, cannot concentrate for long periods of time, are restless and impulsive, or have a tendency to daydream and be slow to complete tasks. (, 2006). In my research…
ADHD has become popular within our communities. After reading medical literature, it is very apparent that there is an increased pressure parents and schools. This…
According to Lydia Furman’s article, “What Is Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADHD)?” the author describes the disorder as “the most common neurobehavioral condition of childhood.” Furman expresses the misconceptions people typically have about ADHD being a disease rather than a “group of symptoms representing a final common behavioral pathway for a gamut of emotional, psychological, and/or learning problems” (Furman, 2005, p. 994). With the confusion people have about what ADHD actually is, it leads to more ignorance among parents of hyperactive children about whether or not their child actually has the disorder or if their behavior is actually typical when compared to other kids their age. Sanford Newmark’s article, “Are ADHD Medications Overprescribed?” also focuses on the concern that many parents, doctors and child advocates have about children taking ADHD medication unnecessarily for “simply immature or undisciplined” behavior that’s completely normal, yet is causing an increased amount of children being mistakenly diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Newmark, 2013). What’s put into question is whether or not doctors are misdiagnosing and unnecessarily prescribing medication to children whose behavior may reflect ADHD, but is not actually the…
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (also known as ADHD) is a common condition that affects children and adolescents, and can carry on to adulthood. ADHD is a problem with inattentiveness, over-activity, and impulsivity. Depression, lack of sleep, learning disabilities, tic disorders, and behavior problems may be confused with, or appear with, ADHD.…
Most people have heard of the term Attention Deficit Hyperactive (ADHD) disorder. "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological disorder that interferes with an individual's ability to attend to tasks (inattention), inhibits one's behavior (impulsivity), and may interfere with a person's ability to regulate one's activity level (hyper-activity) in developmentally appropriate ways (Barkley 19)". The most important job for teachers and parents is to separate fact from fiction, to clarify what we know and don't know.…
Though there are no known cures for ADHD. There are various treatments that may help cognitive function and reduce the symptoms of ADHD. Treatments include medication, therapy, and training techniques. In context of medication used could be stimulants that could be used are“Adderall, Adderall XR, Concerta, Daytrana, Dexedrine, Dexeterine Spansule, Focalin, Focalin XR, Metadate CD, Metadate ER, Methylin ER, Ritalin, Ritalin La, Ritalin SR and Vyvanse.”(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Stimulant Therapy) and non-stimulants such as “Tricyclic antidepressants , Non-tricyclic antidepressants, specific norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors, alpha-2 noradrenergic agonists, Non-schedule stimulants” (Non-Stimulant Treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) could…
I only cried once during the months she went through treatment. It took a few days for the reality of the situation to sink in, the reality that my Mom had cancer. After the Terror numbed, I couldn’t allow self-pity when there were so many important things I needed to do. I became an adult December of my Junior year of High School when I realized I needed to take responsibility for myself and my family when my mom was unable to.…
As of 2011 there are 11% of children in the United States diagnosed with ADHD and out of those 11% there are 6% being medicated (Frances). ADHD is a disorder that stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and it is diagnosed when children have trouble focusing in more than one setting such as school or home. In recent years, when children are diagnosed with ADHD parents and heads of school automatically turn to medication when there are other methods to help control the behavior. Most people put the blame on children for having ADHD when they should be focusing on why it's so easy for doctors to diagnose ADHD in children. While some believe that medication is the best way to help children with ADHD, there are alternatives where schools can help aid students with ADHD.…