Assignment 1:
Part 1: Question 1:
Introduction to project management: * Welcome * Introduce self
A project is: * A set of planned and managed activities carried out for a specific length of time * has a defined start and end date * Achieves a specific objective within the specified quality and performance criteria * Products and services that is agreed with the project clients and the stakeholders * Funded and directed by the primary sponsor and/or the stakeholders * Completed using: Money, time, people and equipment
Example: I recently employed a builder to complete a pergola, in order for the builder to successfully complete the project, he must have had a set plan, have a start and end date, ensure funding and resources are in order, and so on.
Question 2
Two important functions to project management are; Planning and Control * Planning a project is the process and development of a project plan * Project planning is a critical step in the successful management of a project
A project plan will identify: * Scope definition, task definition, change management, reporting, control mechanisms and project close-out
A Plan may be wasted if the plan is not implemented and monitored properly * Administration is essential in the control of all activities within the project
Monitoring usage of Human, financial and physical resources are essential during the control phase, some systems of control can be used to assist in the managing of a project, and they are: * Leadership and Support * Asses and implement change * Planning and Monitoring * Financial management * Time management * Reporting
All these control elements should be present in the Project plan
Some useful tools to assist in the planning and control of a project are: * Developing a project lifecycle can ensure that the project plan is converted into reality, and that the objectives are achieved. A