This paper gives an overview of the concept of Human Resource Management, HRM. It describes the most important HRM processes and the prevalent ideas about the roles and functions of modern HRM. It is written primarily for the HRM professionals and managers in ministries and government institutions in order to provide basic knowledge on HRM in public administration for HRM training.
The content is based on practical experiences of implementation of modern HRM principles and methods in Sweden and other countries.
HRM in the context of reaching organisational objectives
The overall aim of modern human resource management is to ensure that the organisation is able to achieve its objectives through its staff. In order to reach its objectives an organisation needs not only qualified staff but also effective and efficient systems as well as access to and effective allocation of financial resources. Institutional development therefore involves not only putting the right person at the right place at the right time, but also that the organisation provides a conducive and effective work environment and systems and that the organisation has access to adequate financial resources.
In addition to human resources, the organisation needs systems like computers and financial management system, transport to reach the client, medicines in a hospital, books in the school, etc. Top management must reach a harmonious balance between all such resources and push and pull factors.
HRM integrated with other systems HRM should develop objectives for its activities linked to the overall objectives of the organisation. The purpose of development of HRM objectives is to provide a direction for the HRM activities in an often turbulent environment so that, on the one hand, the business needs of the organisation, and, on the other hand the individual and collective needs of its employees