Question 1
Market segmentation is a form of marketing strategy that usually involves splitting and dividing the targeted market or consumers into smaller sub groups of consumers who have different needs and wants for the relevant goods and services provided by the company. This type of marketing strategy allows the company to better target its products to the right consumers. (Market segmentation, 2004)
Demographic and psychographic are the two types of market segmentation I would employ if I were the marketing manager for Starhub. Demographic segmentation is one which is more commonly used in modern marketing; it is when the businesses, group the consumers based on variables such as their age, gender, religion and income level. Psychographic segmentation is when the consumers are grouped based on their lifestyle choices, personality, social class and moral values. (Market segments, 2007)
The marketing segment used by Starhub, Demographic segmentation. Focuses on the different ages of its consumers. Starhub is Singapore’s second biggest telecommunications company; and they were one of the first local telecommunication companies to have coined up a student plan for their younger customers. One thing they have done is to offer cheap and attractive mobile plans that appeal to students. One example of such attractive student mobile plans is the “smartsurf 100’ that offers unlimited Short Message Service (SMS) and up to 12GB of bundled data.
From the psychographic aspect, we can see how Starhub has incorporated live and cable television programs into smart phones, allowing consumers to watch shows that they want to watch on the go. For example, for hardcore football fanatics, they would be able to watch live soccer matches on their mobile phone if they are not home. This service that Starhub provides allows television access to bored passengers on public transport or customers who just can’t catch the show from their home. (starhub)
Question 2
References: (Market segmentation, 2004) McDonald, Malcolm, and Ian Dunbar (Market segments, 2007) (singh,2011) SAURABH SINGH SINGH (CNA,2012) (cresswell,2008) Creswell, John W