What are the current organizational “trends”?
§Flatter structure
§Self-managing structures
§Human capital
What are the four components of the management process?
◦Planning, controlling, organizing, leading
Planning: is the process of setting objectives and determining what should be done to accomplish them
Controlling: is the process of measuring performance and taking action to ensure desired results
Organizing: is the process of assigning tasks, allocating resources, and coordinating work activities
Leading: is the process of arousing enthusiasm and inspiring efforts to achieve goals.
Figure 1.5 PG 18
What are the three major managerial roles?
◦Interpersonal, informational, decisional
PG 21
Interpersonal Roles
Informational Roles
Decisional Roles
How a manager interacts with other people
How a manager exchanges and processes information
How a manager uses information in decision making
-Disturbance handler
-Resource allocator
Practice Question: A good manager is one who can increase both ___________ and _________ among employees.
A. Profits and morale
B. Performance and satisfaction
C. Intelligence and conscientiousness
D. Sociability and profits
Chapter 2: Management Learning Past to Present
Know the major theories of management and their founders:
Frederick Taylor Scientific management:
Four principles of scientific management:
Focused on the need to carefully select, train, and support workers for individual task performance.
Developed for every job a “ science that includes rules of motion, standardized work implements, and proper working conditions.”
Henri Fayol Administrative principles:
Suggested that managers should learn what are now known as the management functions for planning, organizing, learning, and controlling.
Max Weber Bureaucratic organization: