Leaders and leadership – many theories, but what advice is reliable?
Robert J. Allio
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To cite this document:
Robert J. Allio, (2012),"Leaders and leadership – many theories, but what advice is reliable?", Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 41 Iss 1 pp. 4 - 14
Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/10878571311290016 Downloaded on: 28 October 2014, At: 06:16 (PT)
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References: Aoife McDermott, Rachel Kidney, Patrick Flood, (2011),"Understanding leader development: learning from leaders", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol Karin Amit, Micha Popper, Reuven Gal, Tammy Mamane#Levy, Alon Lisak, (2009),"Leadership#shaping experiences: a comparative study of leaders and non#leaders", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol Shahidul Hassan, Rubiná Mahsud, Gary Yukl, Gregory E. Prussia, (2013),"Ethical and empowering leadership and leader effectiveness", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol author of The Seven Faces of Leadership (2002)