3333 Regis Boulevard Denver, CO 80221
Regis University College for Professional Studies School of Management
INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Instructor biography and contact information is posted on the Discussion Forum. The Facilitator Introduction and Expectations will be posted during the first week. COURSE TITLE: Case Studies in Management Accounting COURSE NUMBER: MSAA/MBAA 609 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Develops students’ management accounting techniques and skills needed to make ethical profit-maximizing decisions. Emphasizes data selection, analysis, decision making and evaluation of results in complex, realistic situations. PREREQUISITE COURSES: MBAA 602/MSAA602; Interpreting Accounting Information COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, learners should be able to: 1. 2. Use the tools of management accounting in realistic business situations. Evaluate complex situations and choose the proper management accounting approach. Develop accounting systems to meet management's decision making and control needs. Recognize the effect that decisions, based on accounting information, have on workers, managers, competitors, and customers. Apply budgeting techniques and accounting controls to reach
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organizational goals. 6. Review new and innovative cost management approaches and tools that are associated with current modern business practices.
COURSE MATERIALS: Required Texts: Blocher, E., Stout, D., Juras, P., & Cokins, G. (2013). Cost management: A strategic emphasis. 6e. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-07-802553-2 Website: www.mhhe.com/blocher6e Required Resources: See the Assignments section of this document for Electronic Reserves information. Technology Tools: Access to Regis Library Electronic Reserves: http://ereserves.regis.edu/ares/ Optional Materials: None PRE-ASSIGNMENT: Online Format: none RELATED STANDARDS: None
Regis University