Questions & Answers
Q1.Can a division manager develope verifiable goals, or objective, when they have not been assigned to him or her by the president? How? What kind of information or help do you believe is important for the division manager to have from headquarters?
ANS 1. Yes, I think a division manager can develop verifiable goals, or objective, when they have not been assigned to him or her by the president. It seems that the division manager has exercised management by objectives (MBO) which has been widely used for performance appraisal and employee motivation, but it is really a system of managing. Among its Benefits, MBO results in better managing, often forces managers to clarify the structure of their organization, encourages people to commit themselves to their goals, and helps develop effective control of kinds of information or help.
For the division manager to develop verifiable goals, or objective help and information is required from the president. Firstly, the division manager needs to know the corporate goals and how their own activities fit them. Secondly, manager also needs planning premises and knowledge of major company policies. Thirdly, top manager should not only give lip service to MBO; they must be involved in the process. Fourthly, the organizational climate must be conductive to MBO philosophy. Objectives should be independent; therefore, coordination and a team approach must be used where appropriate. Consequently, MBO must be flexible enough to adapt unforeseen changes in the environment. Moreover, MBO must be understood by the management.
Q2.Did the division manager set the goals in the best way? What would you have done?
ANS 2. Yes, the division manager set the goals in the best way. He managed to set a sales target, return on investment, arrange a program for the development of future managers, date to complete the development work on XY model by the end of the year and the