“Leadership and management must go hand in hand. They are not the same thing. But they are necessarily linked, and complementary. Any effort to separate the two is likely to cause more problems than it solves” (Murray, 2010). This paper will differentiate between leadership power and management. At Frito Lay leaders and managers play an important role in maintaining healthy organizational culture. This paper will also evaluate the affect of globalization and management at Frito Lay.
The roles of both managers and leaders are vital for an organization. The unique processes and qualities of a leader set him or her apart from being just a manager. A manager works with the structure, organization, staffing, and monitoring of daily activities. On the other hand, a leader sets the direction or helps create the vision of an organization. A leader also keeps people focused by inspiring them to achieve the vision of the organization (Bateman & Snell, 2009). Managers are concerned with short-term profit and loss whereas leaders promote innovation and the attainment of long-term goals. Managers supervise subordinates and leaders motivate and inspire to focus toward the vision of the organization and overcome obstacles in reaching goals.
“Central to effective leadership is power—the ability to influence other people” (Bateman & Snell, 2009, p. 439). Power is defined as the ability to influence others. There are five sources of power essential to effective leadership. Legitimate power is the authority to tell others what to do. Supervisors exercise more legitimate power over their subordinates rather than their peers. For example, at Frito Lay, a shift resource or supervisor in the production department has authority to give orders to packers and machine operators. This same shift resource will not have effective legitimate power over his peers or his boss.
A leader who has reward power is one who controls the valued rewards
References: Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. (2009). Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World. Charlottesville, VA: The McGraw-Hill Companies. Frito Lay. (2009, September 22). Improving business results at our plant. Retrieved from http://www.snacks.com/good_fun_fritolay/2009/09/team-4ward-generating-improved-business-results Murray, A. (2010). What is the difference between leadership and management. Retrieved from http://guides.wsj.com/management/developing-a-leadership-style/what-is-the-difference-between leadership and management